PD4x4 (300) Airloader Pump

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Brain Airloader Pumps are designed for handling heavily solids laden slurries and sludges normally considered impossible with conventional pumps.

The Airloader PD4x4(300) is a portable compressed air powered unit, intrinsically safe and low in height making it particularly suitable for applications in underground mining and tunnelling. It can pass solids up to 80mm in lump size.

Unlike conventional pumps, which rely on vacuum displacement, the Airloader generates a high velocity suction airflow (17cu.mtr.min./600cfm.) combined with a powerful vacuum (-0.88 Bar/26”HG.) resulting in very effective suction performance.

This enables the thickest and most viscous of materials to be suction loaded with horizontal distances in excess of 100m and vertical suction lifts of up to 35m being achievable.

Material is discharged from the pumping vessel by compressed air with transport distances over 1000m horizontally and heads of up to 60m

RateSolids (up to)
17cu.mtr.min/600cfm-0.88 Bar/26″HG
Brain Industries PD4x4 (300) Airloader Pump
Brain Industries PD4x4 (300) Airloader Pump