Brain Vac Pack’s are portable compressed air driven vacuum pumps which convert almost any container into a powerful vacuum system to easily recover and transfer wet or dry materials.
You can easily use the Vac Pack to create a vacuum system to handle or clean up the most difficult of materials, ranging from dry materials, large lump solids to slurries and sludges.
Generally, you will use one of our pumps or self-filling tankers for most clean ups or material transfer jobs. Our Vac Packs vacuum pumps will create vacuum systems that are perfect for specialised material transfer problems and issues including hard to get at places. Here’s three applications.

1. Drum Loading System
Issue: Cleaning up wet or dry materials in to drums.
Creating a drum loading system is useful for if you need to clean up a spill in any bulk handling facility. With a Vack Pack, compressor and a drum head filler, you can create a powerful, low cost, environmentally sound, safe and highly flexible system. The material can be easily sucked into a drum and/or transferred for storage to a more suitable area.
View the drum loading system diagram
2. Gravity Discharge Collection Tank System
Issue: Recovering and discharging wet or dry materials into skips, on to conveyor belts or from one tank to another.
With a Vac Pack Collection Tank Unit and compressor you can create a simple and flexible system that can sit over the top of a skip bin or belt. The Collection Tank can have automatic or manual fill/discharge controls. Adjustable support legs make for quick, trouble free installation.
This system is often used in the mining, ship loading, and oil and gas sectors.
View the gravity discharge collection tank system diagram
3. Vacuum Tanker Uprating
Issue: Your standard vacuum tanker is incapable of recovering material.
This can be caused by the fact that the tanker has failed or is broken or it cannot handle high production rates.
The Vac Pack tanker adaption system converts a standard vacuum tanker into a powerful, pneumatic vacuum conveying unit. You can still use your tanker because our Vack Pack creates the suction mechanism.
This system is particularly useful for the wastewater management and municipal sectors.